Swift 5.3 Release Process

This post describes the goals, release process, and estimated schedule for Swift 5.3.

Motivation and Goals

Swift 5.3 is a release meant to include significant quality and performance enhancements. In addition, this release will expand the number of platforms where Swift is available and supported, notably adding support for Windows and additional Linux distributions.

Snapshots of Swift 5.3

Downloadable snapshots of the Swift 5.3 release branch will be posted regularly as part of continuous integration testing. As support is available, snapshot downloads will be added for newly supported platforms.

Once Swift 5.3 is released, the official final builds will also be posted in addition to the snapshots.

Getting Changes into Swift 5.3

On April 20, 2020 the release/5.3 branch will be cut in the swift repository and most related project repositories. Please note the new branch naming scheme. This will contain the changes that will be released in Swift 5.3. After the branch is cut, changes can be landed on the branch via pull request if they meet the criteria for the release.

A few projects will cut their Swift 5.3 branches on different dates:

Project Branch date
indexstore-db March 27, 2020
swift-llbuild March 27, 2020
swift-package-manager March 27, 2020
sourcekit-lsp March 27, 2020
swift-tools-support-core March 27, 2020

The same policies will apply to these projects: once the branch is cut, changes can be landed on the branch via pull request if they meet the criteria for the release.

Philosophy on Taking Changes into Swift 5.3

Impacted Repositories

The following repositories will have a release/5.3 branch to track sources as part of Swift 5.3 release:

The llvm-project will have a corresponding swift/release/5.3 branch.

Release Managers

The overall management of the release will be overseen by the following individuals, who will announce when stricter control of change goes into effect for the Swift 5.3 release as the release converges.

For the Swift 5.3 release, we are adding release managers for each of our supported platforms. They will oversee platform specific issues as well as qualification of that platform for the release.

Platform Release Managers

Please feel free to post on the development forum or contact Ted Kremenek directly concerning any questions about the release management process.

Pull Requests for Release Branch

In order for a pull request to be considered for inclusion in the release branch (release/5.3) after it has been cut, it must include the following information:

All changes going on the release/5.3 branch must go through pull requests that are accepted by the corresponding release manager.