Mixing Swift and C++

Table of Contents


C++ interoperability is a new feature in Swift 5.9. A great variety of C++ APIs can be called directly from Swift, and select Swift APIs can be used from C++.

This document is the reference guide describing how to mix Swift and C++. It describes how C++ APIs get imported into Swift, and provides examples showing how various C++ APIs can be used in Swift. It also describes how Swift APIs get exposed to C++, and provides examples showing how the exposed Swift APIs can be used from C++.

C++ interoperability is an actively evolving feature of Swift. It currently supports interoperation between a subset of language features. The status page provides an overview of the currently supported interoperability features, and lists the existing constraints as well.

Future releases of Swift might change how Swift and C++ interoperate, as the Swift community gathers feedback from real world adoption of C++ interoperability in mixed Swift and C++ codebases. Please provide the feedback that you have on the Swift forums, or by filing an issue on GitHub. Future changes to the design or functionality of C++ interoperability will not break code in existing codebases by default.


This section provides a high-level overview of how to mix Swift and C++. You can get started by enabling C++ interoperability in Swift. You will then want to understand how Swift imports C++ headers, and how the imported C++ types and functions are represented by the Swift compiler. After that, you will want to look over the follow-up sections that describe how to use the imported C++ APIs in Swift. You should also take a look at how Swift APIs can be exposed to the rest of your C++ codebase. If you’re interested in using Swift APIs from C++, you will definitely want to look over the follow-up sections that describe how to use the exposed Swift APIs in C++.

Enabling C++ Interoperability

Swift code interoperates with C and Objective-C APIs by default. You must enable interoperability with C++ if you want to use C++ APIs from Swift, or expose Swift APIs to C++.

The following guides describe how C++ interoperability can be enabled when working with a specific build system or IDE:

Other build systems can enable C++ interoperability by passing in the required flag to the Swift compiler:

Importing C++ into Swift

Header files are commonly used to describe the public interface of a C++ library. They contain type and template definitions, and also declarations for functions and methods, whose bodies are often placed into implementation files that are then compiled by the C++ compiler.

The Swift compiler embeds the Clang compiler. This allows Swift to import C++ header files using Clang modules. Clang modules provide a more robust and efficient semantic model of C++ headers as compared to the preprocessor-based model of directly including the contents of header files using the #include directive.

Swift currently cannot import C++ modules introduced in the C++20 language standard.

Creating a Clang Module

In order for Swift to import a Clang module, it needs to find a module.modulemap file that describes how a collection of C++ headers maps to a Clang module.

Some IDEs and build systems can generate a module map file for a C++ build target automatically. Swift Package Manager automatically generates a module map file when it finds an umbrella header in a C++ target. Xcode automatically generates a module map file for a framework target, with the module map referencing framework’s public headers. In other cases you might be required to create a module map manually.

The recommended way to manually create a module map is to list all the header files from a specific C++ target that you want to make available to Swift. For example, let’s say we want to create a module map for a C++ library forestLib. This library has two header files: forest.h and tree.h. In this case we can follow the recommended approach and create a module map that has two header directives:

module forestLib {
    header "forest.h"
    header "tree.h"

    export *

The export * directive is another recommended addition to the module map. It ensures that the types from Clang modules imported into the forestLib module are visible to Swift as well.

The module map file should be placed right next to the header files it references. For example, in the forestLib library, the module map would go into the include directory:

├── include
│   ├── forest.h
│   ├── tree.h
│   └── module.modulemap [NEW]
├── forest.cpp
└── tree.cpp

Now that forestLib has a module map, Swift can import it when C++ interoperability is enabled. In order for Swift to find the forestLib module, the build system must pass the import path flag (-I) that points to forestLib/include when it’s invoking the Swift compiler.

For more information on the syntax and the semantics of module map files, please see Clang’s module map language documentation.

Working with Imported C++ APIs

The Swift compiler represents the imported C++ types and functions using Swift declarations once a Clang module is imported. This allows Swift code to use C++ types and functions as if they were Swift types and functions.

For example, Swift can represent the following C++ enumeration and the following C++ class from the forestLib library:

enum class TreeKind {

class Tree {
  Tree(TreeKind kind);
  TreeKind kind;

A Swift enumeration is used internally by the Swift compiler to represent TreeKind:

enum TreeKind : Int32 {
  case Oak = 0
  case Redwood = 1
  case Willow = 2

A Swift structure is used internally by the Swift compiler to represent Tree:

struct Tree {
  init(_ kind: TreeKind)

Such structure can be used directly in Swift, just like any other Swift structure:

import forestLib

let tree = Tree(.Oak)

Swift uses C++ types and calls C++ functions directly, without any kind of indirection or wrapping. In the example shown above, Swift directly calls the C++ constructor for class Tree, and stores the resulting object directly into the tree variable.

A subsequent section of this guide provides more details on how to use the imported C++ APIs in Swift.

Exposing Swift APIs to C++

In addition to importing and using C++ APIs, the Swift compiler is also capable of exposing Swift APIs from a Swift module to C++. This makes it possible to gradually integrate Swift into an existing C++ codebase.

Swift APIs can be accessed by including a header file that the build system generates when building a Swift module. Some build systems generate the header automatically. Xcode can automatically generate the header file for a framework or an App target. Other build configurations can generate the header manually by following the steps outlined on the project and build setup page. Swift functions can take C++ types as parameters. When using these Swift APIs from C++, the headers for C++ types in the Swift function signatures need to be included before including the generated interoperability header.

The generated header uses C++ types and functions to represent Swift types and functions. When C++ interoperability is enabled, Swift generates C++ bindings for all the supported public types and functions in a Swift module. For example, the following Swift function can be called from C++:

// Swift module 'forestRenderer'
import forestLib

public func renderTreeToAscii(_ tree: Tree) -> String {

An inline C++ function that calls the implementation of renderTreeToAscii directly will be present in the header generated by the Swift compiler for the forestRenderer module. It can be called from C++ code once the C++ file includes the generated header. Since the Swift API refers to Tree, a type defined in C++, we need to include Tree.hpp before the generated header:

#include "Tree.hpp"
#include "forestRenderer-Swift.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

void printTreeArt(const Tree &tree) {
  std::cout << (std::string)forestRenderer::renderTreeToAscii(tree);

The C++ interoperability status page describes which Swift language constructs and standard library types can be exposed to C++. Some unsupported Swift APIs are mapped to empty unavailable C++ declarations in the generated header, so you’ll get an error in the C++ code when you try to use something that’s not exposed to C++.

Source Stability Guarantees for Mixed-Language Codebases

The way Swift interoperates with C++ is still evolving. Some changes in future releases of Swift will require source changes in mixed Swift and C++ codebases that have already adopted C++ interoperability. However, Swift will not force you to adopt new or evolved C++ interoperability features when adopting a new version of the Swift toolchain. To make that possible, future Swift releases will provide multiple compatibility versions of C++ interoperability, just like Swift provides support for multiple compatibility versions of the base Swift language. This means that a project using the current compatibility version of C++ interoperability will be insulated from any changes made in subsequent releases, and it can move to newer compatibility versions at its own pace.

Using C++ Types and Functions in Swift

A wide array of C++ types and functions can be used directly from Swift. This section goes over the fundamentals of how the supported types and functions can be used from Swift.

Calling C++ Functions

C++ functions from imported modules can be called using the familiar function call syntax from Swift. For example, this C++ function is available in Swift:

void printWelcomeMessage(const std::string &name);

Swift code can call such function as if it was a regular Swift function:


C++ Structures and Classes are Value Types by Default

Swift maps C++ structures and classes to Swift struct types by default. Swift considers them to be value types. This means that they’re always copied when they’re passed around in your Swift code.

The special members of a C++ structure or class type are used by Swift when it needs to perform a copy of a value or dispose of a value when it goes out of scope. If the C++ type has a copy constructor, Swift will use it when a value of such type is copied in Swift. And if the C++ type has a destructor, Swift will call the destructor when a Swift value of such type is destroyed.

C++ structures and classes with a deleted copy constructor are represented as non-copyable Swift types (~Copyable). If a C++ type has a valid copy constructor, it is still possible to make it non-copyable in Swift by annotating it with a SWIFT_NONCOPYABLE macro.

Some C++ types are always passed around using a pointer or a reference in C++. As such it might not make sense to map them to value types in Swift. These types can be annotated in C++ to instruct the Swift compiler to map them to reference types in Swift instead.

Constructing C++ Types from Swift

Public constructors inside C++ structures and classes that aren’t copy or move constructors become initializers in Swift.

For example, all three constructors of the C++ Color class are available in Swift:

class Color {
  Color(float red, float blue, float green);
  Color(float value);

  float red, blue, green;

The Color constructors shown above become initializers in Swift. Swift code can call them to create a value of type Color:

let theEmptiness = Color()
let oceanBlue = Color(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
let seattleGray = Color(0.7)

Accessing Data Members of a C++ Type

The public data members of C++ structures and classes become properties in Swift. For example, the data members of the Color class shown above can be accessed just like any other Swift property:

let color: Color = getRandomColor()
print("Today I'm feeling \(color.red) red but also \(color.blue) blue")

Calling C++ Member Functions

Member functions inside C++ structures and classes become methods in Swift.

Constant Member Functions Are nonmutating nonmutating section" href="#constant-member-functions-are-nonmutating">

Constant member functions become nonmutating Swift methods, whereas member function without a const qualifier become mutating Swift methods. For example, this member function in the C++ Color class is considered to be a mutating method in Swift:

void Color::invert() { ... }

Mutable Color values can call invert:

var red = Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
red.invert() // red becomes yellow.

Constant Color values cannot call invert.

On the other hand, this constant member function is not a mutating method in Swift:

Color Color::inverted() const { ... }

Therefore constant Color values can call inverted:

let darkGray = Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
let veryLightGray = darkGray.inverted()

Constant Member Functions Must Not Mutate the Object

The Swift compiler assumes that constant member functions do not mutate the instance that this points to. A violation of this assumption by a C++ member function could lead to Swift code not observing the mutation of the instance pointed to by this and using the original value of such instance for the rest of the Swift code execution.

C++ permits the mutation of mutable fields in constant member functions. Constant member functions in structures or classes with such fields still become nonmutating methods in Swift. Swift doesn’t know which constant functions mutate the object, and which don’t, so for the sake of better API usability Swift still assumes that such functions do not mutate the object. You should avoid calling constant member functions that mutate mutable fields from Swift, unless they’re explicitly annotated with a SWIFT_MUTATING macro.

The SWIFT_MUTATING macro allows you to explicitly annotate constant member functions that do mutate the object. Such functions then become mutating methods in Swift.

Member Functions Returning References Are Unsafe by Default

Member functions that return references, pointers, or certain structures/classes that contain references or pointers often return a reference that points inside of this, the object used to call the function. Such member functions are considered to be unsafe in Swift, as the returned reference is not associated with the owning object which can get destroyed while the reference is still in use. Swift automatically renames such member functions in order to emphasize their unsafety. Their Swift name is prefixed with two underscores and suffixed with Unsafe. For example, the following member function becomes the __getRootTreeUnsafe method in Swift:

class Forest {
  const Tree &getRootTree() const { return rootTree; }

  Tree rootTree;

The set of rules that determine which functions are unsafe, and the recommended guidelines for calling such methods safely from Swift are documented in an upcoming section that describes how to safely work with C++ references and view types in Swift.

Overloaded Member Functions

C++ allows member functions to be overloaded based on their const qualifier. For example, the Forest class can have two getRootTree members, that differ only in their constness and their return type:

class Forest {
  const Tree &getRootTree() const { return rootTree; }
  Tree &getRootTree() { return rootTree; }

  Tree rootTree;

The two getRootTree member functions become methods in Swift. Swift renames the mutating method to avoid having two ambiguous methods with the same name and arguments, when it finds that the type already has a nonmutating method with the same Swift name. The rename appends the Mutating suffix to the name of the mutating method. This rename is done before the safety of the method is taken into account. In the example shown above, the two getRootTree member functions become __getRootTreeUnsafe and __getRootTreeMutatingUnsafe methods in Swift, because they return a reference that points into the Forest object.

Virtual Member Functions

Currently virtual member functions are not available in Swift.

Static Member Functions

Static C++ member functions become static Swift methods.

Accessing Inherited Members from Swift

A C++ class or structure becomes a standalone type in Swift. Its relationship with base C++ classes is not preserved in Swift. Swift tries its best to provide access to the members inherited from base classes of a C++ type. The public member functions and data members from a C++ base class become methods and properties in Swift, as if they were defined in the specific class itself.

For example, the following two C++ classes become two distinct Swift structures:

class Plant {
  void water(float amount) { moisture += amount; }
  float moisture = 0.0;

class Fern: public Plant {
  void trim();

The Fern Swift structure gets an additional method named water, that calls member function water in the Plant C++ class:

struct Plant {
  mutating func water(_ amount: Float)

struct Fern {
  mutating func water(_ amount: Float) // Calls `Plant::water`
  mutating func trim()

The exact rules that determine when members from inherited base types are introduced to the Swift type that represents the C++ structure or class are not yet finalized in Swift 5.9. The following GitHub issue tracks their finalization in Swift 5.9.

Using C++ Enumerations

Scoped C++ enumerations become Swift enumerations with raw values. All of their cases get mapped to Swift cases as well. For example, the following C++ enumeration is available in Swift:

enum class TreeKind {

It is represented in Swift as the following enumeration:

enum TreeKind : Int32 {
  case Oak = 0
  case Redwood = 1
  case Willow = 2

It can be used just like any other enum in Swift:

func isConiferous(treeKind: TreeKind) -> Bool {
  switch treeKind {
    case .Redwood: return true
    default: return false

Unscoped C++ enumerations become Swift structures. For example, the following unscoped enum becomes a Swift structure:

enum MushroomKind {

The cases of unscoped C++ enumerations become variables outside of the Swift structure:

struct MushroomKind : Equatable, RawRepresentable {
    public init(_ rawValue: UInt32)
    public init(rawValue: UInt32)
    public var rawValue: UInt32
var Oyster: MushroomKind { get }
var Portobello: MushroomKind { get }
var Button: MushroomKind { get }

Using C++ Type Aliases

A C++ using or typedef declaration becomes a typealias in Swift. For instance, the following using declaration becomes a CustomString type in Swift:

using CustomString = std::string;

Using Class Templates

An instantiated specialization of a class or structure template is mapped to a distinct type in Swift. For example, the following uninstantiated C++ class template is not available in Swift by itself:

template<class T, class U>
class Fraction {
  T numerator;
  U denominator;

  Fraction(const T &, const U &);

However, an instantiated specialization of a class template is available in Swift. it is treated like a regular C++ structure or class when it is mapped into Swift. For example, the Fraction<int, float> template specialization becomes a Swift structure:

struct Fraction<CInt, Float> {
  var numerator: CInt
  var denominator: Float

  init(_: CInt, _: Float)

A function that returns a specialization like Fraction<int, float> is available in Swift:

Fraction<int, float> getMagicNumber();

Such function can be called from Swift like any other Swift function:

let magicNum = getMagicNumber()
print(magicNum.numerator, magicNum.denominator)

A C++ type alias can refer to a specific specialization of a class template. For example, in order to construct Fraction<int, float> from Swift, you first want to create a C++ type alias that refers to such template specialization:

// Bring `Fraction<int, float>` type to Swift with a C++ `using` declaration.
using MagicFraction = Fraction<int, float>;

Then you can use this type alias directly from Swift:

let oneEights = MagicFraction(1, 8.0)

A follow-up section of this document describes how Swift generics and protocol extensions can be used to write generic Swift code that works with any specialization of a class template.

Customizing How C++ Maps to Swift

The defaults that determine how C++ types and functions map to Swift can be changed by annotating a specific C++ function or type with one of the provided customization macros. For example, you can choose to provide a different Swift name for a specific C++ function using the SWIFT_NAME macro.

The <swift/bridging> header defines the customization macros that can be used to annotate C++ functions and types. This header ships with the Swift toolchain.

On Apple and Linux platforms both the system’s C++ compiler and the Swift compiler should find this header automatically. On other platforms, like Windows, you might need to add additional header search path flags (-I) to your C++ and Swift compiler invocations to make sure that this header is found.

This section describes just two of the customization macros from the <swift/bridging> header. The other customization macros and their behavior are documented in the subsequent sections in this document. The complete list of all the customization macros is provided in the appendix.

Renaming C++ APIs in Swift

The SWIFT_NAME macro provides a different name for C++ types and functions in Swift. C++ types can be renamed by specifying the Swift type name inside of the SWIFT_NAME macro. For example, the following C++ class gets renamed to CxxLibraryError structure in Swift:

class Error {
} SWIFT_NAME("CxxLibraryError");

When renaming a function, you need to specify the Swift function name (including argument labels) inside of the SWIFT_NAME macro. For example, the following C++ function gets renamed to send in Swift:

#include <swift/bridging>

void sendCopy(const std::string &) SWIFT_NAME(send(_:));

You must use the new name when calling such function from Swift:

send("Hello, this is Swift!")

Mapping Getters and Setters to Computed Properties

The SWIFT_COMPUTED_PROPERTY macro maps a C++ getter and setter member function to a computed property in Swift. For example, the following getter and setter pair is mapped to a single treeKind computed property in Swift:

#include <swift/bridging>

class Tree {
  TreeKind getKind() const SWIFT_COMPUTED_PROPERTY;
  void setKind(TreeKind kind) SWIFT_COMPUTED_PROPERTY;


Such property can be mutated in Swift as it has a setter:

func makeNotAConiferousTree(tree: inout Tree) {
  tree.kind = tree.kind == .Redwood ? .Oak : tree.kind

Both the getter and setter need to operate on the same underlying C++ type for this transformation to be successful in Swift.

It’s possible to map just the getter to a computed property, a setter is not required for this transformation to work.

Extending C++ Types in Swift

Swift extensions can add new functionality to C++ types in Swift. They can also conform an existing C++ type to a Swift protocol.

Extensions can add new functionality to a C++ type, but they can’t override existing functionality of a C++ type.

Conforming C++ Type to Swift Protocol

Swift protocol conformance can be added to a C++ type retroactively (after the type has been defined). Such conformance enables the following use cases in Swift:

For example, a Swift extension can add Hashable conformance to the C++ class Tree:

extension Tree: Hashable {
  static func == (lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) -> Bool {
    return lhs.kind == rhs.kind

  func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

Such conformance then lets you use Tree as a key in a Swift dictionary:

let treeEmoji: Dictionary<Tree, String> = [
  Tree(.Oak): "🌳",
  Tree(.Redwood): "🌲"

Conforming Class Template to Swift Protocol

A Swift extension can add protocol conformance to a specific class template specialization in Swift. For example, instantiated specializations of the following class template are available in Swift:

template<class T>
class SerializedValue {
  T deserialize() const;


using SerializedInt = SerializedValue<int>;
using SerializedFloat = SerializedValue<float>;

SerializedInt getSerializedInt();
SerializedFloat getSerializedFloat();

Such template specializations can conform to a protocol using a Swift extension:

// Swift module 'Serialization'
protocol Deserializable {
  associatedtype ValueType

  func deserialize() -> ValueType

// `SerializedInt` specialization now conforms to `Deserializable`
extension SerializedInt: Deserializable {}

In the example above SerializedInt conforms to the Deserializable protocol. However, other specializations of the class template, like SerializedFloat, do not conform to Deserializable.

The SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL customization macro from the <swift/bridging> header can be used to conform all specializations of a class template to a Swift protocol automatically. For example, the definition of the SerializedValue class template can be annotated with SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL:

template<class T>
class SerializedValue {
  using ValueType = T;
  T deserialize() const;

} SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL(Serialization.Deserializable);

The SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL annotation makes all specializations, like SerializedInt and SerializedFloat, conform to Deserializable automatically in Swift. This makes it possible to add functionality to all specializations of a class template in Swift, by using a protocol extension:

extension Deserializable {
  // All specializations of the `SerializedValue` template now have
  // `deserializedDescription` property in Swift.
  var deserializedDescription: String {
    "serialized value \(deserialize().description)"

This also lets you use any specialization in constrained generic code without any additional explicit conformances:

func printDeserialized<T: Deserializable>(_ item: T) {
  print("obtained: \(item.deserializedDescription)")

// Both `SerializedInt` and `SerializedFloat` specializations automatically
// conform to `Deserializable`

Working with C++ Containers

C++ container types, like the std::vector class template, typically provide iterator-based APIs for users in C++. Using a C++ iterator is unsafe in Swift, as such use is not associated with its owning container which can get destroyed while the iterator is still in use. Instead of relying on C++ iterators, Swift automatically conforms some C++ container types to protocols that:

These protocols and their conformance rules are described below. The recommended approach for using C++ containers that conform to these protocols is summarized in a follow-up section.

Some C++ Containers Are Swift Collections

Swift conforms C++ containers that provide random access to their elements, like std::vector, to Swift’s RandomAccessCollection protocol automatically. For example, the std::vector container returned by this function is conformed to the RandomAccessCollection protocol automatically by Swift:

std::vector<Tree> getEnchantedTrees();

The conformance to RandomAccessCollection makes it possible to traverse through the container’s elements safely in Swift, using familiar control flow statements like the for-in loop. Collection methods like map and filter are also available:

let trees = getEnchantedTrees()

// Traverse through the elements of a C++ vector.
for tree in trees {

// Filter the C++ vector and make a Swift Array that contains only
// the oak trees.
let oakTrees = getEnchantedTrees().filter { $0.kind == .Oak }

Swift’s count property returns the number of elements in such collection. Swift’s subscript operator can be used to access a specific element in the collection as well. This makes it possible to mutate individual elements in the C++ container:

var trees = getEnchantedTrees()
for i in 0..<trees.count {
  trees[i].kind = .Oak

A C++ container that conforms to RandomAccessCollection can be easily converted into a Swift collection type, like Array:

let treesArray = Array<Tree>(getEnchantedTrees())

Swift does not convert C++ container types to Swift collection types automatically. Any conversion from a C++ container type, like std::vector, to a Swift collection type, like Array, is explicit in Swift.

Performance Constraints of Automatic Collection Conformance

Swift currently does not provide explicit performance guarantees when using C++ containers that conform to RandomAccessCollection. Swift will most likely make a deep copy of the container when:

This constraint is tracked on the status page. Several strategies for working around this constraint are presented below.

Conformance Rules for Random Access C++ Collections

The following two conditions must be satisfied in order for a C++ container type to automatically conform to RandomAccessCollection in Swift:

When these conditions are satisfied, Swift conforms the Swift structure that represents the underlying C++ container type to the CxxRandomAccessCollection protocol, which adds the RandomAccessCollection conformance.

C++ Containers Can Be Converted to Swift Collections

The sequential C++ container types that do not provide random access to their elements are automatically conformed to the CxxConvertibleToCollection protocol in Swift. For example, the std::set container returned by this function is conformed to the CxxConvertibleToCollection protocol automatically by Swift:

std::set<int> getWinningNumers();

The conformance to CxxConvertibleToCollection makes it possible to easily convert a C++ container to a Swift collection type, like Array or Set. For example, the std::set returned by getWinningNumers can be converted to both a Swift Array and a Swift Set:

let winners = getWinningNumers()
for number in Array(winners) {
let setOfWinners = Set(winners)

C++ containers that automatically conform to the CxxRandomAccessCollection protocol also automatically conform to the CxxConvertibleToCollection protocol.

Conformance Rules for CxxConvertibleToCollection Protocol CxxConvertibleToCollection Protocol section" href="#conformance-rules-for-cxxconvertibletocollection-protocol">

The following two conditions must be satisfied in order for a C++ container type to automatically conform to CxxConvertibleToCollection in Swift:

Using Associative Container C++ Types in Swift

Associative C++ container types, like std::map, provide efficient access to stored elements using a lookup key. The find member function that performs such lookup is unsafe in Swift. Instead of using find, Swift automatically conforms associative containers from the C++ standard library to the CxxDictionary protocol. Such conformance lets you use the subscript operator when working with an associative C++ container in Swift. For example, the std::unordered_map returned by this function is conformed to the CxxDictionary protocol automatically by Swift:

std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>

The returned std::unordered_map value can be used like a dictionary in Swift, with the subscript returning a value stored in the container, or nil if such value doesn’t exist:

let mapping = getAirportCodeToCityMappings();
if let dubCity = mapping["DUB"] {

The provided subscript calls the container’s find method safely inside of its implementation.

Associative C++ containers can be converted to a Swift sequential collection type like Array, when you need to manually traverse through their elements in Swift.

Swift does not conform custom associative C++ containers to CxxDictionary automatically. A manually written Swift extension can be used to add the CxxDictionary conformance retroactively for a custom associative container type.

The following summary outlines the current recommended approach for how to use C++ containers in Swift:

Using C++ Containers in Performance Sensitive Swift Code

Swift’s current for-in loop makes a deep copy of the C++ container when traversing through its elements. You can avoid this copy by using the forEach method provided by the CxxConvertibleToCollection protocol. For example, the std::vector<Tree> container returned by getEnchantedTrees can be traversed using the forEach method in Swift:

let trees = getEnchantedTrees()
// Swift should not copy the `trees` std::vector here.
trees.forEach { tree in

Best Practices for Working with C++ Containers in Swift

Do Not Use C++ Iterators in Swift

As outlined at the start of this section, using C++ iterators is unsafe in Swift. It’s easy to misuse C++ iterators, for instance:

You should use protocols like CxxRandomAccessCollection, CxxConvertibleToCollection and CxxDictionary when working with C++ containers instead of relying on C++ iterator APIs.

Member functions inside of C++ container types that return C++ iterators are marked unsafe in Swift, just like member functions that return references. Other C++ APIs, like top-level functions that take or return iterators could still be directly available in Swift. You should avoid using such functions in Swift.

Borrow C++ Containers When Calling Swift Functions

C++ container types become value types in Swift. This means that Swift calls the container’s copy constructor, which in turn copies all the elements, every time a copy is made in Swift. For example, Swift will copy all of the elements from a std::vector<int> represented by the CxxVectorOfInt type into a new vector whenever it’s passed into this Swift function:

func takesVectorType(_ : CxxVectorOfInt) {

let vector = createCxxVectorOfInt()
takesVectorType(vector) // 'vector' is copied here.

Swift’s upcoming parameter ownership modifiers, which will be provided in an upcoming Swift release, will let you avoid copies when passing immutable values to functions. Mutable values can be passed by inout to a Swift function, which lets you avoid a deep copy of the C++ container:

func mutatesVectorType(_ : inout CxxVectorOfInt) {

var vector = createCxxVectorOfInt()
takesVectorType(&vector) // 'vector' is not copied!

Mapping C++ Types to Swift Reference Types

The Swift compiler allows you to annotate some C++ types and import them as reference types (or class types) in Swift. Whether a C++ type should be imported as a reference type is a complex question, and there are two primary criteria that go into answering it.

The first criterion is whether object identity is part of the “value” of the type. Is comparing the address of two objects just asking whether they’re stored at the same location, or is it deciding whether they represent the “same object” in a more significant sense?

The second criterion whether objects of the C++ class are always passed around by reference. Are objects predominantly passed around using a pointer or reference type, such as a raw pointer (*), C++ reference (& or &&), or a smart pointer (like std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr)? When passed by raw pointer or reference, is there an expectation that that memory is stable and will continue to stay valid, or are receivers expected to copy the object if they need to keep the value alive independently? If objects are generally allocated and remain at a stable address, even if that address is not semantically part of the “value” of an object, the class may be idiomatically a reference type. This will sometimes be a judgment call for the programmer.

The first and most important criteria is often not possible for a compiler to answer automatically by just looking at the code. If you want the Swift compiler to map a C++ type to a Swift reference type, you must annotate the C++ type with one of the following customization macros from the <swift/bridging> header:

Immortal Reference Types

Immortal reference types are not designed to be managed individually by the program. Objects of these types are allocated and then intentionally “leaked” without tracking their uses. Sometimes these objects are not truly immortal: for example, they may be arena-allocated, with an expectation that they will only be referenced from other objects within the arena. Nonetheless, they aren’t expected to be individually managed.

The only reasonable thing Swift can do with immortal reference types is import them as unmanaged classes. This is perfectly fine when objects are truly immortal. If the object is arena-allocated, this is unsafe, but it’s essentially an unavoidable level of unsafety given the choices of the C++ API.

To specify that a C++ type is an immortal reference type, apply the SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE attribute. Here’s an example of SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE being applied to the C++ type LoggerSingleton:

class LoggerSingleton {
    LoggerSingleton(const LoggerSingleton &) = delete; // non-copyable

    static LoggerSingleton &getInstance();
    void log(int x);

Now that LoggerSingleton is imported as a reference type in Swift, the programmer will be able to use it in the following manner:

let logger = LoggerSingleton.getInstance()

Shared Reference Types

Shared reference types are reference-counted types that are passed around by pointer or reference in C++. They typically use either:

Currently Swift can map C++ classes or structures that use custom retain and release operations together with a reference count stored intrusively in the object to a Swift reference type (that behaves like a Swift class). Other types that rely on std::shared_ptr for reference counting can still be used as value types in Swift.

To specify that a C++ type is a shared reference type, use the SWIFT_SHARED_REFERENCE customization macro. This macro expects two arguments: a retain and release function. These functions must be global functions that take exactly one argument and return void. The argument must be a pointer to the C++ type (not a base type). Swift will call these custom retain and release functions where it would otherwise retain and release Swift classes. Here’s an example of SWIFT_SHARED_REFERENCE being applied to the C++ type SharedObject:

class SharedObject : IntrusiveReferenceCounted<SharedObject> {
    SharedObject(const SharedObject &) = delete; // non-copyable

    static SharedObject* create();
    void doSomething();
} SWIFT_SHARED_REFERENCE(retainSharedObject, releaseSharedObject);

void retainSharedObject(SharedObject *);
void releaseSharedObject(SharedObject *);

Now that SharedObject is imported as a reference type in Swift, the programmer will be able to use it in the following manner:

let object = SharedObject.create()
// `object` will be released here.

Exposing C++ Shared Reference Types back from Swift

C++ can call into Swift APIs that take or return C++ Shared Reference Types. Objects of these types are always created on the C++ side, but their references can be passed back and forth between Swift and C++. This section explains the conventions of incrementing and decrementing the reference counts when passing such references across the language boundaries. Consider the following Swift APIs:

public func takeSharedObject(_ x : SharedObject) { ... }

public func returnSharedObject() -> SharedObject { ... }

In case of the takeSharedObject function, the compiler will automatically insert calls to retain and release for x as necessary to satisfy the semantics of owned/guaranteed calling conventions. The C++ callers must guarantee that x is alive for the duration of the call. Note that functions returning a shared reference type such as returnSharedObject transfer the ownership to the caller. The C++ caller of this function is responsible for releasing the object.

Unsafe Reference Types

The SWIFT_UNSAFE_REFERENCE annotation macro has the same effect as SWIFT_IMMORTAL_REFERENCE annotation macro. However, it communicates different semantics: the type is intended to be used unsafely, rather than living for the duration of the program.

Unique Reference Types

Unique reference types, such as types passed around by std::unique_ptr are not yet supported by Swift.

Using C++ Standard Library from Swift

This section describes how to import the C++ standard library, and how to use the types provided by it in Swift.

Importing C++ Standard Library

Swift can import the platform’s C++ standard library, by importing the CxxStdlib module. The std namespace becomes std enumeration in Swift. The functions and types inside of the std namespace become nested types and static functions in the std Swift enumeration.

The status page contains a list of the supported C++ standard libraries, that describes which C++ standard libraries are supported on the platforms supported by Swift.

Using std::string std::string section" href="#using-stdstring">

The std::string C++ type becomes a structure in Swift. It conforms to the ExpressibleByStringLiteral protocol, so it can be initialized directly using a string literal in Swift:

import CxxStdlib

let s: std.string = "Hello C++ world!"

Swift String can be easily converted to a C++ std::string:

let swiftString = "This is " + "a Swift string"
let cxxString = std.string(swiftString)

The same conversion can be made in the opposite direction, going from a C++ std::string to a Swift String:

let cxxString = std.string("This is a C++ string")
let swiftString = String(cxxString)

Swift does not convert C++ std::string type to Swift’s String type automatically.

Working with C++ References and View Types in Swift

As outlined earlier, member functions that return references, pointers, or certain structures/classes that contain references or pointers are considered to be unsafe in Swift. Such member functions often return references or view types that point back inside of the this object, or into memory owned by the this object. In such cases, the lifetime of the object the returned reference or view points to is said to be dependent on the lifetime of its owning object (the this object passed to the member function). C++ currently doesn’t specify which member functions return dependent references or views, and which member functions return completely independent references or views. Therefore Swift assumes that any reference or any view type returned by a member function is dependent on the this object.

Dependent references and view types are unsafe in Swift, as the reference or view is not associated with its owning object. Thus the owning object can get destroyed while the reference is still in use. Because of this unsafety, and the assumption that all such references and views are dependent, Swift renames such member functions to emphasize their unsafety and to discourage their use in Swift.

This section describes the exact rules used by Swift to determine which member functions return dependent references or view types, and suggests approaches for how to write Swift wrappers that call such member functions safely from Swift. It also introduces two new customization macros that can be applied to C++ code to instruct Swift to treat some member functions it thinks are unsafe as safe instead.

C++ Types Considered to Be References or View Types by Swift

Swift assumes that a C++ member function that returns one of the following types is unsafe in Swift:

For example, the following two C++ structures are view types in Swift’s eyes:

struct PairIntRefs {
  int &firstValue;
  const int &secondImmutableValue;

  PairIntRefs(int &, const int &);

// Also a view type, since its `refs` field is a view type.
struct BagOfValues {
  PairIntRefs refs;
  int x;

  BagOfValues(PairIntRefs, int);

The rules outlined above define a heuristic that Swift uses to detect member functions that likely return a dependent reference or view type. This heuristic doesn’t guarantee that all C++ member functions that return dependent references or views will be detected by Swift, and therefore some member functions that return dependent references or views could appear to be safe in Swift.

Safely Accessing References with Dependent Lifetime

The recommended approach to calling member functions that return a reference or a view type with a dependent lifetime is to wrap them in a Swift API that returns a copy of the referenced object.

For example, consider the Forest class whose getRootTree members return references:

class Forest {
  const Tree &getRootTree() const { return rootTree; }
  Tree &getRootTree() { return rootTree; }

  Tree rootTree;

As outlined earlier, both of these member functions become __getRootTreeUnsafe and __getRootTreeMutatingUnsafe methods in Swift. Such methods are not meant be called directly in your code. Instead, you should write a wrapper that achieves the desired objective without exposing the dependent reference, that can then be used throughout your Swift codebase. For example, lets say you want to inspect the underlying rootTree value in Swift. You can add a wrapper that allows your Swift codebase to inspect the rootTree by extending the Forest class in Swift and adding a rootTree computed property that returns a Tree value:

import forestLib

extension Forest {
  private borrowing func getRootTreeCopy() -> Tree {
    return __getRootTreeUnsafe().pointee

  var rootTree: Tree {

The borrowing ownership modifier used above is a new addition in Swift 5.9. Some development versions of Swift 5.9 might not allow you to use borrowing for copyable C++ types like Forest. In such cases, prior to the release of Swift 5.9, you can use a mutating method call chain instead to safely copy the Tree returned by getRootTree instead:

import forestLib

extension Forest {
  private mutating func getRootTreeCopy() -> Tree {
    return __getRootTreeUnsafeMutating().pointee

  var rootTree: Tree {
    var mutCopy = self
    return mutCopy.getRootTreeCopy()

Using Methods That Return References and Views with Independent Lifetime

Some C++ member functions that return a reference or a view type might return a reference whose lifetime is independent from the this object. Swift will still assume that such member functions are unsafe. To change that, you can annotate your C++ code to instruct Swift to either:

Annotating Methods Returning Independent References or Views

The SWIFT_RETURNS_INDEPENDENT_VALUE customization macro from the <swift/bridging> header can be added to a C++ member functions, to let Swift know that it doesn’t return a dependent reference or a dependent view. Such member function is then assumed to be safe in Swift.

For example, the getName member function in the NatureLibrary C++ class is a great candidate for SWIFT_RETURNS_INDEPENDENT_VALUE, as its definition clearly shows that it returns a pointer to a constant static string literal, that’s not stored within the NatureLibrary object itself:

class NatureLibrary {
  const char *getName() const SWIFT_RETURNS_INDEPENDENT_VALUE {
    return "NatureLibrary";

Annotating C++ Structures or Classes as Self Contained

The SWIFT_SELF_CONTAINED customization macro from the <swift/bridging> header can be added to a C++ structure or class, to let Swift know that it’s not a view type. All member functions that return such self contained type are then assumed to be safe in Swift.

Accessing Swift APIs from C++

Swift compiler can generate a header file that contains C++ types and functions that represent the Swift types and functions defined in a Swift module. Such header file can then be included from C++ code, letting you use Swift types and call Swift functions from C++.

Swift considers all public types and functions defined in a Swift module as eligible to be exposed to C++ when generating the generated header file. However, not all public types and functions can be represented in C++ yet. The exact rules that determine which Swift types and functions currently get exposed to C++ in the generated header are described in the following status page section.

Using Swift Types and Functions from C++

A wide array of Swift types and functions gets exposed to C++. This section goes over the fundamentals of how the exposed Swift types and functions can be used from C++.

Calling Swift Functions

Top-level Swift functions that are exposed to C++ become inline C++ functions in the generated header. The C++ functions are placed in the C++ namespace that represents the Swift module. The body of such C++ function calls the native Swift function directly from C++, without using any kind of indirection.

For example, the following Swift function gets exposed to C++ in the generated header:

// Swift module 'Greeter'

public func printWelcomeMessage(_ name: String) {
  print("Welcome \(name)")

C++ code can call printWelcomeMessage after including the generated header:

#include <Greeter-Swift.h>

void cPlusPlusCallsSwift() {

Using Swift Structures In C++

Swift structures that are exposed to C++ become final C++ classes in the generated header. Top-level structures are placed in the C++ namespace that represents the Swift module. The exposed initializers, methods and properties defined inside of the Swift structure become members of the C++ class.

The C++ class that represents a Swift structure is copyable. Its copy constructor copies the underlying Swift value into a new value. The destructor of the C++ class destroys the underlying Swift value.

Currently C++ classes that represent Swift structures cannot be moved in C++ using std::move.

Creating a Swift Structure in C++

The exposed initializers of a Swift structure become static init member functions in the C++ class. The C++ code can then call one of such functions to create an instance of the structure in C++.

For example, Swift exposes the MountainPeak structure shown below in the generated header:

// Swift module 'Landscape'

public struct MountainPeak {
  let name: String
  let height: Float

  public init(name: String, height: Float) {
    self.name = name
    self.height = height

The init static member function from the MountainPeak C++ class can be used to create a MountainPeak instance in C++:

#include <Landscape-Swift.h>
using namespace Landscape;

void createMountainRange() {
  auto tallestMountain = MountainPeak::init("Everest", 8848.9);

Using Swift Classes in C++

Swift classes that are exposed to C++ become C++ classes in the generated header. Top-level classes are placed in the C++ namespace that represents the Swift module. The exposed initializers, methods and properties defined inside of the Swift class become members of the C++ class.

The C++ class that represents a Swift class is copyable and movable. Its copy and move constructors, and its destructor obey the rules of Swift’s automatic reference counting (ARC) model that allows the program to release the Swift class instance when it’s no longer referenced.

For example, Swift exposes the MountainRange class shown below in the generated header:

// Swift module 'Landscape'

public class MountainRange {
  let peaks: [MountainPeak]

  public init(peaks: [MountainPeak]) {
    self.peaks = peaks

public func createSierras() -> MountainRange {

public func render(mountainRange: MountainRange) {

A MountainRange instance can then be passed around in C++ safely. ARC will release it once it’s no longer in use:

#include <Landscape-Swift.h>
using namespace Landscape;

void renderSierras() {
  MountainRange range = createSierras();
  // The `MountainRange` instance that `range` points to is freed by ARC when
  // this C++ function returns.

The inheritance hierarchy of Swift classes is represented using a C++ inheritance hierarchy formed by the C++ classes that represent the exposed Swift classes.

Using Swift Enumerations in C++

Swift enumerations that are exposed to C++ become C++ classes in the generated header. Top-level enumerations are placed in the C++ namespace that represents the Swift module. The exposed initializers, methods and properties defined inside of the Swift enumeration become members of the C++ class.

The C++ class that represents a Swift enumeration is copyable. Its copy constructor copies the underlying Swift value into a new value. The destructor of the C++ class destroys the underlying Swift value. Currently C++ classes that represent Swift enumerations cannot be moved in C++ using std::move.

The enumeration cases become static inline constant C++ data members in the C++ class that represents the enum. These members let you:

For example, the following Swift enumeration is exposed in the generated header:

// Swift module 'Landscape'

public enum VolcanoStatus {
  case dormant
  case active

A VolcanoStatus instance can be constructed from C++, by using operator() on one of its members that represents an enumeration case. You can also reference such member in the case condition inside of a switch statement in C++:

#include <Landscape-Swift.h>
using namespace Landscape;

VolcanoStatus invertVolcanoStatus(VolcanoStatus status) {
  switch (status) {
  case VolcanoStatus::dormant:
    return VolcanoStatus::active(); // Returns `VolcanoStatus.active` case.
  case VolcanoStatus::active:
    return VolcanoStatus::dormant(); // Returns `VolcanoStatus.dormant` case.

The unknownDefault C++ member allows you to write an exhaustive C++ switch for a resilient Swift enumeration, as such enumeration might get more cases in the future that the C++ code does not know about.

Using Enumerations with Associated Values

Swift allows an enumeration to associate a set of values with a particular case. Enumerations whose cases have one associated value, or no associated values, get exposed to C++. They become C++ classes in the generated header. The interface of such C++ class closely resembles the interface of a class generated for a Swift enumeration without associated values. Such classes also contain additional getter member functions, that let you extract the associated value stored in the enumeration once you determine which case the enumeration is set to.

For example, the following Swift enumeration with associated values is exposed in the generated header:

// Swift module 'Landscape'

public enum LandmarkIdentifier {
  case name(String)
  case id(Int)

The value associated with one of the cases of LandmarkIdentifier can be extracted by calling the appropriate getter method in C++:

#include <Landscape-Swift.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace Landscape;

void printLandmarkIdentifier(LandmarkIdentifier identifier) {
  switch (status) {
  case LandmarkIdentifier::name:
    std::cout << (std::string)identifier.getName();
  case LandmarkIdentifier::id:
    std::cout << "unnamed landmark #" << identifier.getId();

A new LandmarkIdentifier instance can be constructed from C++ as well:

auto newLandmarkId = LandmarkIdentifier::id(1234);

Calling Swift Methods

Swift methods become member functions in C++.

Swift structures and enumerations have mutating and nonmutating methods. Nonmutating methods become constant member functions in C++.

Accessing Swift Properties in C++

Both stored and computed properties become getter and setter member functions in C++. The getter is a constant member function that returns the value of the Swift property. Mutable properties have a setter in C++ as well. The setter is a member function and should not be invoked on immutable instances of a Swift value type.

For example, the following Swift structure is exposed to C++ in the generated header:

public struct LandmarkLocation {
  public var latitude: Float
  public var longitude: Float

C++ code can then call getLatitude and getLongitude member functions to access the stored property values.

Using Swift Standard Library Types from C++

Several Swift standard library types can be used in C++. This section describes how to use the supported Swift standard library types in C++.

Using Swift String in C++ String in C++ section" href="#using-swift-string-in-c">

Swift’s String type is exposed to C++. It can be initialized directly using a string literal in C++:

#include <SwiftLibrary-Swift.h>

void createSwiftString() {
  swift::String test = "Hello Swift world!";

A C++ std::string can be easily converted to a Swift String:

void callSwiftAPI(const std::string &stringValue) {

The same conversion can be made in the opposite direction, going from a Swift String to a C++ std::string:

std::string getStringFromSwift() {
  return (std::string)SwiftLibrary::giveMeASwiftString();

The C++ representation of String provides access to a number of String’s methods and properties including:

Several other methods and properties not listed here are also available.

An Objective-C NSString * can be converted to and from a Swift String in Objective-C++ language mode.

Using Swift Array in C++ Array in C++ section" href="#using-swift-array-in-c">

Swift’s Array type is exposed to C++. C++ represents it using the swift::Array class template. It must be instantiated with a C++ type that represents a Swift type. It can also be instantiated with a native C++ type, when a Swift Array of such type is used in Swift and is exposed back to C++ via a public Swift API.

A Swift Array can be traversed using a for loop in C++. For example, take the StringsAndNumbers Swift module interface:

// Swift module 'StringsAndNumbers'

public func findTheStrings() -> [String]
public func processRandomNumbers(_ numbers: [Float])

A C++ for loop can traverse over the Array returned from findTheStrings:

#include <StringsAndNumbers-Swift.h>

void printTheFoundStrings() {
  auto stringsArray = StringsAndNumbers::findTheStrings();
  for (const auto &swiftString: stringsArray) {
    std::cout << (std::string)swiftString << ", ";

An empty Array can be created in C++, mutated, and then passed to Swift. For example, C++ code can create an Array that contains some floating point numbers and pass it to processRandomNumbers:

#include <StringsAndNumbers-Swift.h>

void processSomeTrulyUniqueRandomNumbers() {
  auto array = swift::Array<float>::init();

Individual elements in the array can be accessed using operator [] in C++. You cannot mutate an array element using operator [] however. C++ does not yet support mutating individual elements in a Swift Array.

The C++ representation of Array provides access to a number of Array’s methods and properties including:

Several other methods and properties not listed here are also available.

Using Swift Optional in C++ Optional in C++ section" href="#using-swift-optional-in-c">

Swift’s Optional type is exposed to C++. C++ represents it using the swift::Optional class template. It must be instantiated with a C++ type that represents a Swift type. It can also be instantiated with a native C++ type, when a Swift Array of such type is used in Swift and is exposed back to C++ via a public Swift API.

A value stored in a Swift Optional can be extracted using the get member function. For example, take the OptionalValues Swift module interface:

// Swift module 'OptionalValues'

public func maybeMakeString() -> String?
public func callMeOnThePhoneMaybe(_ number: UInt64?)

The C++ get member function can be used to extract the String value returned by maybeMakeString:

#include <OptionalValues-Swift.h>

void printAStringOrNone() {
  auto maybeString = OptionalValues::maybeMakeString();
  if (maybeString) {
    std::cout << (std::string)maybeString.get() << "\n";
  } else {
    std::cout << "Got no value from Swift :( \n";

The Optional is implicitly convertible to bool in C++. That allows you to check if it has a value in an if condition, like in the example shown above.

A Swift Optional can also be constructed from C++, using the some or none case constructor:

#include <OptionalValues-Swift.h>

void callMeOnThePhone() {


This section contains additional tables and references for certain topics that are outlined in the documentation above.

List of Customization Macros in <swift/bridging> <swift/bridging> section" href="#list-of-customization-macros-in-swiftbridging">

Macro Documentation
SWIFT_NAME Renaming C++ APIs in Swift
SWIFT_COMPUTED_PROPERTY Mapping Getters and Setters to Computed Properties
SWIFT_CONFORMS_TO_PROTOCOL Conforming Class Template to Swift Protocol
SWIFT_RETURNS_INDEPENDENT_VALUE Annotating Methods Returning Independent References or Views
SWIFT_MUTATING Constant Member Functions Must Not Mutate the Object
SWIFT_NONCOPYABLE C++ Structures and Classes are Value Types by Default
SWIFT_SELF_CONTAINED Annotating C++ Structures or Classes as Self Contained

Document Revision History

This section lists the recent changes made to this reference guide.



